Refund and Return Policy

You may return the item within 15 days of receiving it, subject to the following conditions:

– The item must be unused, unopened, not fitted or tested, in original condition and packaging.
– The item must have the original tags and labels attached with all original accessories included.
– Electrical items are not eligible for returns or refunds unless faulty and returned according to our warranty policy.
– You must provide proof of purchase, such as a receipt or an invoice.

Any item being returned must be in a saleable condition, do not tear or mark the original packaging or attach a shipping label directly to the original parts box, as this will void the refund on your return.

To request a return or a refund, please contact our customer service team by email or phone. You are responsible for the cost of shipping the item back to us.

Please place your return in an appropriately sized box with applicable protective packaging to avoid movement and damage in transit, as any damage as a result from poor packaging or rough handling by the courier will void the refund on your return.

Once we receive the item, we will inspect it and notify you of the approval or rejection of your return or refund. If your return or refund is approved, we will process it within 10 business days. The refund will be issued to your original method of payment.

We reserve the right to refuse a return or a refund if the item does not meet the above conditions or if we suspect any fraud or abuse of our policy.

Warranty Policy

Our products come with a 12-month warranty from the date of purchase. This warranty covers any manufacturing defects or faults in the products, but does not cover any damage caused by improper fitting, misuse, abuse, accidents, normal wear and tear, or normal environmental deterioration.

To claim the warranty, you must contact our customer service team by email or phone and provide proof of purchase, such as a receipt or an invoice. We will provide you with a warranty form and instructions on how to send the item back to us. You are responsible for the cost of shipping the item back to us.

Please pack your return in an appropriately sized box with applicable packaging to avoid movement and damage in transit, as any damage as a result from poor packaging or rough handling by the courier will void the warranty on your return.

Once we receive the item, we will inspect it and notify you of the approval or rejection of your warranty claim.

We reserve the right to refuse a warranty claim if the item does not meet the warranty conditions or if we suspect any fraud or abuse of our policy.
